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STEINRAS : „Steinras“

STEINRAS : „Steinras“
2 от 2EN


What does a true black metal fan need in the unbearable heat under the flesh-burning sun? Cold salve in the form of quality Norwegian black metal, of course.
Fortunately for us, a new icy black metal whirlwind has formed in the Norwegian black metal underground – STEINRAS, led by guitarist Steinar Aven (Nattverd) and drummer Arne Gandrud (Moor).

Their debut self-titled full-length album will be released on July 5th via Soulseller Records, featuring a great number of guest vocalists: Nag (Tsjuder), V`gandr (Helheim, Taake), Doedsadmiral (Nordjevel, Doedsvangr), Stud Bronson ( The Batallion, Old Funeral, Bömbers), Skagg (Deathcult, Gaahlskagg, ex-Taake), Thomas Eriksen (Mork), Stig Ese (Slegest, ex-Vreid), Balfori (Lunaris, System:Obscure), Dolgar (The Deviant, Gehenna), Thomas S. Øvstedal (CorScorpii) and Roger Olsen (Aventyr, Rabid Hood). The duties of bass, drums and guitars are also divided and among them we will hear the following guests: drummers Mutt (Rabid Hood, ex-Trelldom, ex-Taake), Thurzur (Deathcult, Gaahlskagg, ex-Taake) and Ralla (Attan, ex- Animal Alpha); bassists Tony Secthdamon (Odium, Myrkskog, Emperor/live), DezeptiCunt (Nordjevel, Nattverd, ex-Ragnarok) and Sir (Trelldom, Nidingr, ex-Gaahls Wyrd, ex-Djerv), and guitarists Atyr (Nattverd) and Noralf-Reichborn (Helheim). This entire line-up of legendary artists simply promises quality and an immersive atmosphere…and delivers them without fail.

Across ten chilling anthems, STEINRAS showcase a majestic atmosphere and raw energy that grabs you from the very beginning of the record. The black metal storm kicks off with the very first track „En Kald Død“, accentuating Skagg’s haunting vocals and frosty, fast-paced instrumental. A classic and piercing song that quickly and effortlessly sets the mood to dark bliss.

The album clocks in at around 40 minutes, which actually goes by quite imperceptibly thanks to the haunting cold riffs, damn good vocal performances and inhuman drums.
Among the tracks you will find both the more demonic, majestic and occult sounding songs like „Djevelen I Minnet“ with the traditional high deranged vocals of Doedsadmiral, „Sands Of Time“ with Thomas S. Øvstedal and Roger Olsen, „Titus Satanicus“ with Thomas Eriksen, „Dødt“ featuring Nag and „Satanic Fate“ featuring Lars ‘Balfori’ Larsen, as well as tracks with a Floyd Rose accent and a more rebellious energy like „Timeglasset“ featuring V`gandr and  „Crawler Of The Crypt“ featuring of Stud Bronson. The more classic raw anthems are there too – ‘En Kald Død’ featuring Skagg, or the ear-sweeping ‘Sin Egen Ild’ with its chilling riffs and Dolgar’s beastly crunchy vocals.

Each of the musicians brings many of their main projects to the newly created musical offspring, and the end result is a combination of them all – something that is extremely refreshing and enjoyable to hear. Usually, I don’t like such collective projects, because they always seemed to me to be insufficiently original and well-polished, but here everything is in harmony with the main goal of the album – to transport us among Norwegian blizzards and esoteric wisfrul dreams.

Dark, cold and at the same time atmospheric and uplifting, STEINRAS’ debut is definitely worth a listen – rarely, if ever, do we get to hear such a set of legends in one place and experience such a combination of their different signature styles. But even if they had hidden their names, the artists would have received the same review – the music on the album is captivating, transporting among frozen lakes and mountain crevices. In case you’re in need of a freezing breath of air, you’ll get it here.




Album: „Steinras“
Release Date: July 5th, 2024
Label: Soulseller Records



2 от 2EN

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